- WASHINGTON POST: New D.C. Charter Schools are an Opportunity, Not a Threat
- EDUCATION WEEK: This Toxic Standards Fight Isn't Helping Students
- HUFFINGTON POST: Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired of Common Core?
- HUFFINGTON POST: De Blasio: First Do No Harm
- SCHOOL CHOICE NOW: Correcting the record: President Obama, Bill O'Reilly, school choice and the facts
- HUFFINGTON POST: The Education Revolution: Breaking the Status Quo
- WALL STREET JOURNAL: Vouchers Can Help Kids and Big-City Politicians
- HUFFINGTON POST: 50 Years After King's Dream -- Time to Wake Up
- SCHOOL CHOICE NOW: Reign of Error: One book’s defense of the status-quo
- SCHOOL CHOICE NOW: Why school choice is succeeding
- HUFFINGTON POST: The Courage to Lead
- HUFFINGTON POST: Exposing the New Plessy v. Ferguson
- HUFFINGTON POST: Misplaced Furor in the Battle Over Common Core
- HUFFINGTON POST: Single-Sex Education: A Viable Option for Today's Students
- HUFFINGTON POST: A Good Guidance Counselor Makes All the Difference
- HUFFINGTON POST: Putting Every Educational Option on the Table
- HUFFINGTON POST: Early Childhood Education is Just the Start
- HUFFINGTON POST: More Educational Choice Needed in 2013
- HUFFINGTON POST: How Do We Change the Dropout Factories in America?
- HUFFINGTON POST: Rhonda Broussard: Teaching Kids Across Language Barriers
- HUFFINGTON POST: Race, Class and Schools
- HUFFINGTON POST: Moving Beyond the Politics in Education
- HUFFINGTON POST: Kids in Poverty Can Still Learn
- HUFFINGTON POST: And A Child Shall Lead Them
- HUFFINGTON POST: Cathy Cawthorne Miller: A Teacher's Teacher
- HUFFINGTON POST: When Special Education is Not the Answer
- HUFFINGTON POST: Parents 'Won't Back Down' from School Choice
- HUFFINGTON POST: Back to School Across the Globe